BOM BOM Pierina E. Beckman, Ph.D. Dr.Beckman isanAssociateProfessorat theUniversityofNorthTexas intheDe- partmentofWorldLanguages,Literatures,andCulturesinDenton,Texas,U.S.A. A native of Mexico City, Beckman researches medieval and Golden Age Spanish literature and contemporary Mexican and Spanish writers. She is the author of El valor literario del Lázaro de 1555: género, evolución y me- tamorfosis, in which she discusses the character of Lázaro de Tormes in the original work of 1554, and his reappearance in the picaresque con- tinuations of 1555 and 1620, as well as several articles on modern authors. Expertise: Spanish language and medieval and Golden Age Spanish lite- rature Education: Ph.D. and M.A. in Spanish literature, University of Iowa. B.A. in International Studies and Spanish, Graceland University, Iowa.