Video Lyrics & Motion Graphics #ProyectosEscat #Uninter #Animation
Nowadays, the creation of motion graphics is the main consumer service within the entertainment industry, appearing in advertising and music videos.
Nowadays, the creation of motion graphics is the main consumer service within the entertainment industry, appearing in advertising and music videos.
In the world of design, the best way to make yourself known and for others to recognize your work is through a professional portafolio.
En la clase de “Taller de Diseño II: Signos y Símbolos”, los estudiantes llevaron a cabo un ejercicio práctico basado en las leyes de la teoría Gestalt. Este enfoque, fundamental en el diseño visual, permite comprender cómo el cerebro humano organiza y percibe las formas y estructuras que vemos en nuestro entorno. A través de…
Producing a product commercial might seem like a daunting task, especially when it involves 3D-modeled elements. In this case, we worked on a commercial for the JBL Flip 6 speaker.
In the 2D Design and Animation class, students will learn the entire process required to create a 2D animated project.
The Swiss Army Knife is an iconic multifunctional tool, originally designed for the Swiss army, combining a variety of tools in a single compact and portable device.
When tasked with designing products based on the function, form, or features of an animal or insect, there are many options to consider, but none quite like the armadillo.
When we think of a toy, we can imagine thousands of them, but when we say Fisher-Price, we know it’s a toy for children.
In all areas that make up the animation pipeline, there is one that many fear due to its complexity, but which is essential for the animation process: Rigging and Weighting.
Traditional Japanese environments are a visual attraction for tourism, seen in photographs or recreated through 3D modeling.