What to Expect in 2D Design and Animation #ProyectosESCAT #Uninter
In the 2D Design and Animation class, students will learn the entire process required to create a 2D animated project.
In the 2D Design and Animation class, students will learn the entire process required to create a 2D animated project.
The Swiss Army Knife is an iconic multifunctional tool, originally designed for the Swiss army, combining a variety of tools in a single compact and portable device.
When tasked with designing products based on the function, form, or features of an animal or insect, there are many options to consider, but none quite like the armadillo.
When we think of a toy, we can imagine thousands of them, but when we say Fisher-Price, we know it’s a toy for children.
In all areas that make up the animation pipeline, there is one that many fear due to its complexity, but which is essential for the animation process: Rigging and Weighting.
Traditional Japanese environments are a visual attraction for tourism, seen in photographs or recreated through 3D modeling.
To achieve personalized models, attention to detail is crucial, and it is thanks to shaders and textures that we can accomplish it.
Parte de modelar ambientes digitales, es saber modelar espacios exteriores y naturales que den una idea de estar en ese lugar, alejado de la civilización y conviviendo con la naturaleza o el entorno.
Existen cuartos muy famosos dentro del mundo de la animación, y uno de estos es el cuarto de Andy de la película de Pixar Toy Story.
En el diseño de producto, hay un proceso importante una vez que contamos con el boceto de nuestro producto, y es el generar un prototipo.