Editorial Design: Designing a Magazine #ProyectosESCAT

ESCAT - editorial design

As part of their final projects, students of Editorial Design Atelier course created a editorial design magazine that showcases their learning and skills acquired throughout the course.

Creating an editorial magazine is a complex yet rewarding task that involves a blend of creativity, strategic planning, and meticulous execution. It’s an art form that allows designers to weave together visual elements and content, crafting a cohesive narrative that resonates with readers.

Here are some important aspects to keep in mind:

Creating an editorial magazine involves brainstorming themes, identifying the target audience, and determining the magazine’s purpose.

Content Development
Content is the backbone of any editorial magazine. This phase is about creating compelling narratives, writing engaging articles, and curating content that aligns with the magazine’s theme and resonates with its audience.

Visual Design
Visual design is where the magazine starts to come to life. Layouts, typography, and imagery are carefully selected and arranged to complement the content. The design not only needs to be aesthetically pleasing but also functional, guiding the reader through the magazine seamlessly.

Editing and Refinement
Ensuring that the content is coherent, error-free, and polished, this aspect also provides an opportunity to refine the design elements, ensuring consistency and quality throughout the publication.


Production involves preparing the magazine for print or digital distribution. This includes finalizing the design files, proofreading, and ensuring that all elements are correctly formatted for publication.

This final project showcases their hard work and dedication. It reflects their understanding of the editorial process and their ability to create a magazine that is not only informative but also visually stunning.

Source: Student’s work

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