Mastering Branding: Corporate Identity Manual #ESCAT #Uninter #ProyectosESCAT

ESCAT - editorial design

The students of the Creativity in Design course presented a corporate identity manual as part of their final project. With the objective of ensuring the correct use of the logo and maintaining a consistent image across different media and channels.

A corporate identity manual is essential for any company or business that wants to maintain a consistent and professional image. This document outlines the guidelines for how the brand should be presented across different media and platforms, ensuring that all visual and communicative elements are cohesive.

Essential elements that should be included in a corporate identity manual include:

Logo: Presentation of the main logo and its alternative versions. It also specifies the proportions and the protection space around the logo.

Corporate Colors: Definition of the brand’s official color palette, including color codes (RGB, CMYK, HEX) to ensure accurate reproduction across different media.

Typography: Selection of the typefaces to be used in brand materials, for both titles and body text. It includes usage examples and recommended sizes.

Applications: Examples of how the visual identity should be applied across various mediums, such as stationery, business cards, brochures, websites, social media, and more.

Usage Guidelines: Clear rules about what should and should not be done with brand elements, such as avoiding logo distortion, using unauthorized colors, or applying the wrong typography.

Images and Graphics: Guidelines on the style of images and graphics that should accompany the brand, ensuring consistency with the visual identity.

The corporate identity manual is an essential tool for any brand, as it establishes guidelines and standards for the proper use of the brand’s visual and communicative elements.

Having a corporate identity manual not only helps maintain visual and communicative consistency, but it also makes the work of designers, marketers, and anyone involved in creating content for the brand easier. Additionally, it projects a more professional and trustworthy image to clients and the general public.

Source: Student’s work

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