Video Lyrics & Motion Graphics #ProyectosEscat #Uninter #Animation


Nowadays, the creation of motion graphics is the main consumer service within the entertainment industry, appearing in advertising and music videos.

One detail about motion graphics is that they can be as simple or complex as needed for the video, with the creative focus that the artist or director wants to give being essential for their creation.

In the Special Effects class, part of the course content is dedicated to exploring this type of art, motion graphics.


Student Daniela Navarro Peña created a video lyrics project featuring the song “My Universe” by Coldplay X BTS.

This project involves using a song and displaying the lyrics as they appear, along with the accompanying graphical content.

It’s not just about displaying the lyrics; it involves identifying the rhythm or timing of the song and creatively determining how the lyrics should appear.

Creating a composition and graphics or elements related to the song is essential to making the video.


In this project, motion graphics are precisely all the graphic elements, such as planets, stars, ships, characters, effects, and the text itself.

These elements are placed within the Adobe After Effects program to create a composition that structures the file.

Each element placed in the program has the same properties to be animated. The main elements are Anchor Point, Position, Scale, Rotation, and Opacity.

These elements are key as they affect the behavior of our graphics. With these elements alone, if approached creatively, a quality composition can be achieved.

It is precisely this interaction and modification of the elements that we call motion graphics.


Mastering the modifications allowed by the program is not enough, as creativity is required to animate or interpret what we want to convey.

Using timing with the curve elements that generate the animation helps control the rhythm and transitions, achieving a visually pleasing result.


For this project, the student had to create all the graphic elements from scratch, as this was part of fostering her creativity.

Source: Student´s work

Bachelor’s Degree in Animation and Digital Design

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Universidad Internacional

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