Word of the Day

Vox populi Etymology Latin, voice of the people What It Means Vox populi is a Latin phrase that translates to “the voice of the people” and means, in essence, “popular sentiment or opinion.” A successful campaign manager and ardent defender of workers’ rights, Adela dedicates her time to speaking on behalf of vox populi. VOX POPULI in Context…

Word of the Day

Word of the Day

The word of today is: What It Means Inscrutable means “not readily investigated, interpreted, or understood.” It often describes what is mysterious or difficult to comprehend. Example: The famously reclusive author remains an inscrutable figure even after the publication of some of her personal correspondence. Definition of inscrutable : not readily investigated, interpreted, or understoos: MYSTERIOUS an inscrutable smile inscrutable motives Other Words…

Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Today’s word of the Day is: What It Means A cantankerous person is often angry and annoyed. Cantankerous also means “difficult or irritating to deal with.” Example: Several sportswriters cited the coach’s cantankerous personality as a reason for the team’s poor performance and lack of motivation. Other Words from cantankerous cantankerously adverb cantankerousness noun Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms acid,  bearish,  bilious,  bloody-minded disagreeable,  dyspeptic, …