Impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education

Artificial Intelligence in education offers numerous possibilities to add more value to students, facilitates the teaching-learning process and improve the positioning of educational institutions. What years ago, might have seemed like science fiction, today is a reality completely applicable to projects and institutions of all kinds thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI uses fields such…

Maestros que inspiran

Los Maestros que dejan huella, son esas personas que se aparecen en tu vida en diferentes formas y momentos que comparten características muy peculiares: te retan, te cuestionan, te exigen, te empujan a dar más, te convierten en tu mejor versión, sobre todo, te inspiran a buscar más preguntas que respuestas. Es una distinción y…

Word of the Day

Vox populi Etymology Latin, voice of the people What It Means Vox populi is a Latin phrase that translates to “the voice of the people” and means, in essence, “popular sentiment or opinion.” A successful campaign manager and ardent defender of workers’ rights, Adela dedicates her time to speaking on behalf of vox populi. VOX POPULI in Context…