Where Does ‘Throw Someone Under the Bus’ Come From?

Let’s blame the British The phrase’s origin is uncertain, but it likely got its start in British politics, where the phrase “under a bus” was already in use as a metaphor for misfortune or a conveniently-timed accident. Let’s explore the meaning of ‘Throw someone under the bus’ first. What does it mean to throw someone…

The Importance of Speaking in an English Class: A Student’s Guide

Learning English is not just about reading textbooks and memorizing grammar rules. One of the most crucial aspects of mastering any language is the ability to speak it confidently. In this article, we’ll explore why speaking is so important in an English class and how it can enhance your overall language learning experience. Why Speaking…

The role of technology in education, post pandemic. (EdTech)

Overcoming The Technological Tug-Of-War The COVID-19 pandemic has left an indelible mark on the education system, causing a fundamental shift in the way we learn. This unprecedented situation propelled the accelerated adoption of educational technology (EdTech) as a means to ensure seamless continuity of learning. EdTech has emerged as a huge enabler, empowering institutions to…


Esperanto is the most commonly used artificial language. It was created by Polish physician Ludwig L. Zamenhoff and was first presented in 1887. The name of the language comes from the pseudonym (“Doktoro Esperanto”) used by the author in his first textbook. Esperanto can be learned considerably quicker than a typical natural language. The grammar…

A Guide to Inclusive Language

The words you use, and the way they are used, can have a huge impact on others. These can build a more trusting environment and recognise other people’s identities. We want to help you understand the importance of inclusivity and why inclusive language matters. Although society is evolving, with many embracing self-defined identities and leaving…

The importance of English language of today’s world

Language is our primary source of communication. It’s the method through which we share our ideas and thoughts with others. Not only English speaking countries use English as a communication tool. There are thousands of languages in this world. But why learn English? Currently, English is the primary language of not only countries actively touched by British…