Post-Pandemic Vocabulary: Neologisms Of The New Normality

From social distancing, flattening the curve, to multiple medical, social, and governmental words, the global pandemic has quickly enriched our language to include many words and phrases once exclusive to field professionals only. But language vocabularies have also stretched a lot, proving to be remarkably robust and adaptive as well. Here’s a list of some…

Where Does ‘Throw Someone Under the Bus’ Come From?

Let’s blame the British The phrase’s origin is uncertain, but it likely got its start in British politics, where the phrase “under a bus” was already in use as a metaphor for misfortune or a conveniently-timed accident. Let’s explore the meaning of ‘Throw someone under the bus’ first. What does it mean to throw someone…

The Importance of Speaking in an English Class: A Student’s Guide

Learning English is not just about reading textbooks and memorizing grammar rules. One of the most crucial aspects of mastering any language is the ability to speak it confidently. In this article, we’ll explore why speaking is so important in an English class and how it can enhance your overall language learning experience. Why Speaking…

Europe Day

Europe Day is a vibrant celebration that lights up two dates on the calendar across Europe. On 9 May, the European Union pays tribute to the peace and unity of the entire continent. The date was chosen to commemorate the 1950 Schuman Declaration, a speech that laid the foundations for what would become the European Union. The aim…

The Bengali New Year 2024

The Bengali New Year 2024, also known as Polia Baisakh, is celebrated in the Indian state of West Bengal and the Bengali-speaking regions of India and Bangladesh. This colorful festival marks the beginning of the Bengali calendar year and is a time for new beginnings, cultural performances, and delicious traditional food. In 2024, Polia Baisakh…

La Celebración del Día Nacional de la Lengua Materna: Preservando Identidades y Fomentando la Diversidad Lingüística

La Universidad Internacional en conjunto del Museo Morelense de Arte Popular dieron lugar a un evento para celebrar el Día Nacional de la Lengua Materna Este evento anual no solo fue una ocasión para conmemorar la riqueza lingüística que nos define, sino también para reflexionar sobre la importancia de preservar y promover las lenguas maternas…

How to talk as a native speaker

If only we could just change our accents, vocabulary and grammar to sound exactly like native English speakers. Fortunately, there are practical steps you can take to speak English like a native speaker. With these tips, plus patience and practice, you’ll be on your way to becoming a language chameleon in no time. The first…

English Idioms

English idioms are an important part of everyday English. They come up all the time in both written and spoken English. Because idioms don’t always make sense literally, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the meaning and usage of each idiom. That may seem like a lot of work, but learning idioms is fun, especially…