Mexico’s Revolution Day

On November 20th, Mexico celebrates the “Día de la revolución”, which translates to “Revolution Day” and is considered as one of the most important days in Mexico’s history. This day marks the beginning of the Mexican Revolution from 1910-1917, which changed its political landscape forever. The day itself is the anniversary of the call to…

Pros & Cons of Using ChatGPT in Higher Education

The use of AI is increasing rapidly in the education sector. It’s no wonder then that ChatGPT, a chatbot developed by OpenAI in November 2022, has gained global popularity. Owing to its popularity and capability to generate human-like responses to questions, ChatGPT becoming a trusted companion to many learners and educators. But you can’t trust everything…

When you learn the vocabulary of a new language, Do you memorize or relate it?

The hard part of learning a new language is having to learn everything you know in a new vocabulary. To make the words stick in your mind, I suggest that instead of memorizing them, you relate them or make an emotional connection with the new words. Relate: When I started French, I had trouble remembering…

New Mexico Is Losing a Form of Spanish Spoken Nowhere Else

New Mexico is losing a form of Spanish from the earliest Spanish-speaking settlers which has endured for over 400 years in the state’s remote mountain villages. QUESTA, N.M. — When the old regulars gather at Cynthia Rael-Vigil’s coffee shop in Questa, N.M., a village nestled in the snow-capped Sangre de Cristo Mountains, they sip lattes…

15 English idioms that everyone should know

In this blog you will find 15 English idioms that everyone should know. But first, what is an idiom? Idioms are group of words, or in other words, a phrase that has a meaning different from the literal meaning of the words in it. In other words “Idioms mean something different than the individual words.” Native…

How do languages handle non-binary people?

What are your pronouns? In English, the most common answers are “he” or “she”. But a growing number of people identify as neither male nor female, and ask to be referred to with novel pronouns. “They” is by far the most common of these. In English, the linguistic adjustments required to accommodate non-binary people are…

Why learn languages in AI Age?

Taiwanese students spend thousands of hours studying English. Yet after three to five class-hours of English as a foreign language every week for more than nine years, most students can barely utter a sentence of English. The government’s “Bilingual Nation 2030” policy would do little to change this. As artificial intelligence (AI) technologies would soon…

5 Puestos de trabajo que puedes ocupar como internacionalista

¿Estás pensando en estudiar Relaciones Internacionales? Aquí te mostramos las áreas en las que te puedes desempeñar cuando egreses Consultores de política internacional. Puedes trabajar en consultorías dedicadas a las acciones de política global, así como emprender una consultoría propia especializada en Relaciones Internacionales. Directores de ONGs. Puedes fundar tu propia ONG y gestionar todo…