TKT: A certification that open doors around the world as an English teacher.
Why TKT is important?
Nowadays it is extremely important to have a certification that proves that the person has a certain command and preparation in a language. This exam consists of a series of tests which will allow you to be certified as an English instructor at an international level.
Who is TKT for?
TKT certification is recommended for teachers with an English level of B1 or above, who teach primary, secondary or adult learners, who want to prove their teaching knowledge and finally who need a globally recognised certificate. It is worth mentioning that this exam is divided into three modules with contents that can be understood sequentially or independently according to your needs. Each module includes topics that can be used in your work as a teacher.
TKT Core Modules:
- Module 1
Background to language learning and teaching. This module evaluates the way you describe a language and the linguistic skills you possess, as well as your knowledge of the teaching process and the language learning process. - Module 2
Lesson planning and use of resources for language teaching. Explores aspects related to the planning and preparation of a lesson or sequence of lessons, as well as the selection and use of teaching resources and materials. - Module 3
Managing the teaching and learning process. Evaluating the language of the teacher and students in the classroom, as well as the management of time, material resources and the organization of the classroom itself.
Congratulations to our undergraduate language students for this achievement!
Certified students:
Fabián Villanueva Fabiola
Fernández Delgado Joanna Lizeth
Macías Zavaleta Daniela
Remigio Nepomuceno Arturo
Rodríguez Velázquez Itzel
Torres Campuzano Yamileth
Valle Hernández Eilleen Yunuen
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