The Real Origin of ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’

The word ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’ appeared before Mary Poppins For many people, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and the 1964 movie Mary Poppins are inextricably linked. Indeed, it was this movie that popularized the word. In Mary Poppins supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is said to be simply a word used as “something to say when you have nothing to say,” but the mouthful of…

The Influence of Pope Innocent VIII’s “Summis desiderantes affectibus” on European Witch Hunts

A Pivotal Papal Bull Pope Innocent VIII issued the papal bull “Summis desiderantes affectibus” on December 5, 1484. This significant document addressed the growing concerns about witchcraft in Europe and provided the impetus for subsequent witch hunts. Context and Issuance During his papacy from 1484 to 1492, Innocent VIII faced various political and religious challenges.…

Celebrating United Nations Day: A Global Milestone

Every year on October 24th, the world comes together to celebrate United Nations Day, commemorating the establishment of the United Nations in 1945. This day marks the anniversary of the UN Charter’s entry into force, a pivotal moment in history that reshaped international relations and laid the groundwork for global cooperation and peacekeeping. The United…

The Bengali New Year 2024

The Bengali New Year 2024, also known as Polia Baisakh, is celebrated in the Indian state of West Bengal and the Bengali-speaking regions of India and Bangladesh. This colorful festival marks the beginning of the Bengali calendar year and is a time for new beginnings, cultural performances, and delicious traditional food. In 2024, Polia Baisakh…

Explorando el Universo de la Traducción: Tipos de Traductores y Descifrando la Diferencia entre Intérpretes y Traductores

Existe una opinión generalizada según la cual interpretación y traducción son lo mismo; Muchas personas también creen que un intérprete puede traducir y un traductor puede interpretar. Pero esto no siempre es cierto. Diferencia entre un traductor y un intérprete Un traductor es un profesional que se dedica a la traducción escrita de todo tipo…


Getting closer! One of the most anticipated holidays of the year. It’s easy to see why Halloween is one of the most beloved holidays of the year, so let’s look at ten things about October 31 that make your hair stand on end. I hope you like it and of course don’t forget to go…

Pros & Cons of Using ChatGPT in Higher Education

The use of AI is increasing rapidly in the education sector. It’s no wonder then that ChatGPT, a chatbot developed by OpenAI in November 2022, has gained global popularity. Owing to its popularity and capability to generate human-like responses to questions, ChatGPT becoming a trusted companion to many learners and educators. But you can’t trust everything…

Le mot du jour zinzolin

ZINZOLIN. nom masculin et adjectif invariable de couleur. Au pluriel: zinzolins. Définition: L’origine: De l’italien zuzzulino et de l’arabe junjulan(« semence du sésame »), car on en extrayait cette teinture. Synonyme: voilet. Définition ancienne de zinzolin C’est un nom qu’on donne à une espece de couleur qui tire sur le rouge, dont la teinture est faite du suc d’une plante…

Le mot du jour

RETROUVAILLES. nom féminin Ce mot décrit la joie d’être réuni avec quelqu’une après un longue période. Bien que ce mot semble faire référence à retrouver, ce n’est pas le cas car retrouvailles englobe aussi le sentiment de bonheur. Définition: Nom. Des retrouvailles, les retrouvailles, toujours au pluriel. L’origine: Dérivé de retrouver, avec le suffixe -aille.…