Pros & Cons of Using ChatGPT in Higher Education

The use of AI is increasing rapidly in the education sector. It’s no wonder then that ChatGPT, a chatbot developed by OpenAI in November 2022, has gained global popularity. Owing to its popularity and capability to generate human-like responses to questions, ChatGPT becoming a trusted companion to many learners and educators. But you can’t trust everything…

Little word that can help you sound like a native speaker in English

Which little word can help you sound like a native speaker in English? It’s the word ‘get‘! The word ‘get’ is one of the trickiest in English. Most English dictionaries list at least thirty different meanings for ‘get’. But native English speakers use it all the time, in all kinds of situations! For example, which…

Travel, trip, journey, voyage?

Let’s talk about some words that are easy to confuse – ‘travel’, ‘trip’, ‘journey’ and ‘voyage’. Travel This means to go from somewhere to somewhere else. It’s most commonly used as a verb: We also use ‘travelling’ (sometimes with ‘go’ or ‘do’) to talk about the activity of going to new places: ‘Travel’ can also…

The monarch who was not destined to govern

The Queen Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; 21 April 1936 – 8 September 2022) Queen of the United Kingdom from 6th February 1952 until her death on 8th September 2022. Her reign of 70 year and 214 days, is the longest of any British monarch and the longest recorded of any female head of state…

Qué es la literatura “no humana” y por qué está cambiando nuestra forma de leer

¿Escriben los animales? ¿Dicen algo los objetos? Los teléfonos celulares, entre otros artefactos tecnológicos, han pasado a ser un apéndice más de nuestro cuerpo, los algoritmos cada vez saben más de nosotros y las máquinas amenazan nuestro trabajo. ¿Es posible que el hombre dé la espalda a lo “no humano”, en un momento además en…

The importance of hearing in language learning

Hearing is the beginning of our interaction with the environment, and this begins before we’re born; because hearing is the only sense that works at 100% in the gestational stage. So the brain’s function in language learning is to pick up sound information, to get used to the tonality, musicality and energy of the words.…

Le mot du jour

MISOLOGIE. nom féminin Définition: L’origine Du grec,« miso- » (la haine) + « -logie » (ici dans le sens de raison)  La notion provient de la tradition philosophique occidentale, et a été un objet de réflexion pour les philosophes de Platon jusqu’à Kant. Platon a analysé dès l’Antiquité le sens et la genèse de la misologie, dans le Phédon. Dans ce dialogue, Socrate explique à ses interlocuteurs que la « misologie »,…

Do you want to improve your pronunciation?

For me one of the biggest challenges when learning a language is how to have a good pronunciation.So don’t worry, here are some tips to improve your pronunciation ; but remember that you must be patient, dedicated, consistent and highly motivated to achieve it. The most important tip We learn from mistakes; at the beginning…