Five golden rules for learning a language

Today I was asked “how do you improve your French?” and it wasn’t until then that I realized I was waiting for someone to ask me that question. To give you some context, for professional reasons I had to obtain my A2 certificate in French in less than 6 months. I’d never studied this language…

Word of the Day

recidivism (noun) Definition of recidivism:  a tendency to relapse into a previous condition or mode of behavior especially: relapse into criminal behavior Synonyms backsliding. relapse. decadence. declension. decline. degeneration. descent. deterioration. Antonyms ascent. betterment. improvement. increase. rise. Did you know? The re- in recidivism is the same re- in relapse and return, and like those words recidivism is about going back: it’s a tendency to relapse, especially into…

Fête National de la France

Joyeux 14 julliet ! La choute de la Bastille Dans les premiers mois de la Révolution française, une grande agitation règne à Paris. Au printemps 1789, les États généraux, refusant de se dissoudre, se sont transformés en Assemblée nationale constituante. En juillet, le roi Louis XVI fait venir de nouvelles troupes et destitue Necker, un…


Have you ever worn winklepickers or salopettes? Is the saying about French women and their oxters true? Do your friends complain that you bibble too much? Have you ever experienced zoanthropy and been convinced you were an elephant? Do you have a favorite weird word in English or any other language? Drop us the word and definition in the comments section below! bibble v.…

Word of the Day

Word of the Day

The word of today is: What It Means Inscrutable means “not readily investigated, interpreted, or understood.” It often describes what is mysterious or difficult to comprehend. Example: The famously reclusive author remains an inscrutable figure even after the publication of some of her personal correspondence. Definition of inscrutable : not readily investigated, interpreted, or understoos: MYSTERIOUS an inscrutable smile inscrutable motives Other Words…

Sign Language

Sign Language

Children learn sign language to support classmate Primary 2 pupils at Omagh Integrated Primary School have learned sign language this year to support one of their classmates. They were keen to learn the new skill to support their classmate Callum. They have also inspired their local neighbourhood police and other emergency services to learn the…


MHIP Day in Mizoram

MHIP Day is celebrated on July 6 each year in Mizoram, India. M.H.I.P. stands for ‘Mizo Hmeichhe Insuihkhawm Pawl,’ which means ‘binding women together.’ The M.H.I.P. is the largest N.G.O. in Mizoram state and the only N.G.O. dedicated to women’s welfare. Through philanthropic social work and local advocacy, the M.H.I.P. uplifts the women of Mizoram…

Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Today’s word of the Day is: What It Means A cantankerous person is often angry and annoyed. Cantankerous also means “difficult or irritating to deal with.” Example: Several sportswriters cited the coach’s cantankerous personality as a reason for the team’s poor performance and lack of motivation. Other Words from cantankerous cantankerously adverb cantankerousness noun Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms acid,  bearish,  bilious,  bloody-minded disagreeable,  dyspeptic, …

Happy 4th of July !

Independence Day in the United States. A bit of history In the 17th and 18th centuries, the United States was not as we know it today, but the colonies of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, which were founded by British…