Pronunciation and English Improvement Laboratory

With the purpose of helping our students to develop their skills in the languages learned. The Languages Department from UNINTER decided to establish a new subject for the Languages Bachelor “Laboratorio de Pronunciación y Perfeccionamiento del Inglés (Pronunciation and English Improvement Laboratory)” in order to help our students with their Pronunciation in their Speaking skill.

Since the very first day of the on line sessions, the target of the course was totally clear: help learners improve their pronunciation, intonation, and fluency. For this matter, we reviewed the different sounds vowels and consonants have, as well as the different types of English, focusing on the following ones: British, American, Australian, and Jamaican. 
In the end, they were assigned a final project which consisted of recording a video where they dramatized a poem of their choice. 

Here there are some student’s works:

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