
Getting closer! One of the most anticipated holidays of the year. It’s easy to see why Halloween is one of the most beloved holidays of the year, so let’s look at ten things about October 31 that make your hair stand on end. I hope you like it and of course don’t forget to go…

Little word that can help you sound like a native speaker in English

Which little word can help you sound like a native speaker in English? It’s the word ‘get‘! The word ‘get’ is one of the trickiest in English. Most English dictionaries list at least thirty different meanings for ‘get’. But native English speakers use it all the time, in all kinds of situations! For example, which…

Travel, trip, journey, voyage?

Let’s talk about some words that are easy to confuse – ‘travel’, ‘trip’, ‘journey’ and ‘voyage’. Travel This means to go from somewhere to somewhere else. It’s most commonly used as a verb: We also use ‘travelling’ (sometimes with ‘go’ or ‘do’) to talk about the activity of going to new places: ‘Travel’ can also…

The importance of hearing in language learning

Hearing is the beginning of our interaction with the environment, and this begins before we’re born; because hearing is the only sense that works at 100% in the gestational stage. So the brain’s function in language learning is to pick up sound information, to get used to the tonality, musicality and energy of the words.…

New Mexico Is Losing a Form of Spanish Spoken Nowhere Else

New Mexico is losing a form of Spanish from the earliest Spanish-speaking settlers which has endured for over 400 years in the state’s remote mountain villages. QUESTA, N.M. — When the old regulars gather at Cynthia Rael-Vigil’s coffee shop in Questa, N.M., a village nestled in the snow-capped Sangre de Cristo Mountains, they sip lattes…

15 English idioms that everyone should know

In this blog you will find 15 English idioms that everyone should know. But first, what is an idiom? Idioms are group of words, or in other words, a phrase that has a meaning different from the literal meaning of the words in it. In other words “Idioms mean something different than the individual words.” Native…

Word of the Day

Vox populi Etymology Latin, voice of the people What It Means Vox populi is a Latin phrase that translates to “the voice of the people” and means, in essence, “popular sentiment or opinion.” A successful campaign manager and ardent defender of workers’ rights, Adela dedicates her time to speaking on behalf of vox populi. VOX POPULI in Context…

The Passive Infinitive

Hello everyone! For today’s mini lesson, let’s talk about the passive infinitive. The passive infinitive is ‘be + past participle’. We can use it in the same places as the normal infinitive to show a passive meaning. USE We can use the passive infinitive after verbs that usually take ‘to + infinitive‘. We can use the…

Atelier: la tâche e(s)t le défi : du A1 au B1

L’approche actionnelle a mis à l’honneur la tâche finale dans l’apprentissage des langues. L’atelier propose d’explorer les types de tâches proposées dans Défi A1 et A2, et de s’approprier des techniques d’enseignement pour mettre en œuvre les savoirs linguistiques nécessaires à la réalisation de ces tâches. Le 31 mai dernier, le Département des Langues Étrangères a eu l’opportunité de participer à…

Using ‘by’ or ‘with’ to say how something is done

Hello everyone! For today’s mini lesson, let’s talk about how to use ‘by’ and ‘with’ to say how something is done. We can use both ‘by + verb+ing’ and ‘with + noun’ to explain how we do something. BY We usually use verb+ing with ‘by’. ‘By’ is used with an action. Examples: • He opened…