Le mot du jour est:

Le spleen  [splin]  Définition: État d’esprit permanent, paresseux et serein, triste et désintéressé, résultant de causes physiques ou morales, généralement d’importance mineure. synonyms Langueur Bourdo Mélancolie Morosité exemple: Baudelaire a très bien décrit le spleen. ” Le spleen n’est plus à la mode, c’est pas compliqu’e d’être hereux” Angèle (chateuse) Vous ne savez pas quoi…

Word of the Day

Word of the Day

The word of today is: What It Means Inscrutable means “not readily investigated, interpreted, or understood.” It often describes what is mysterious or difficult to comprehend. Example: The famously reclusive author remains an inscrutable figure even after the publication of some of her personal correspondence. Definition of inscrutable : not readily investigated, interpreted, or understoos: MYSTERIOUS an inscrutable smile inscrutable motives Other Words…

Sign Language

Sign Language

Children learn sign language to support classmate Primary 2 pupils at Omagh Integrated Primary School have learned sign language this year to support one of their classmates. They were keen to learn the new skill to support their classmate Callum. They have also inspired their local neighbourhood police and other emergency services to learn the…

1er. Coloquio de Posgrados en Humanidades 2022.

“La educación es nuestro pasaporte para el futuro, porque el mañana pertenece a la gente que se prepara para el hoy”  Malcolm X La Escuela de Humanidades, Lenguas e Internacionalización (EHLI), a través de la Dirección de Posgrados en Humanidades, llevó a cabo el 1er. Coloquio, el 02 de julio del año en curso a…


MHIP Day in Mizoram

MHIP Day is celebrated on July 6 each year in Mizoram, India. M.H.I.P. stands for ‘Mizo Hmeichhe Insuihkhawm Pawl,’ which means ‘binding women together.’ The M.H.I.P. is the largest N.G.O. in Mizoram state and the only N.G.O. dedicated to women’s welfare. Through philanthropic social work and local advocacy, the M.H.I.P. uplifts the women of Mizoram…

Le mot du jour

Avez-vous déjà été au cinéma et le film que vous attendiez tant vous a déçu ? Il y a un mot qui peut décrire un mauvais film: Nanard–nanar Définition: c’est une manière familière de décrire que quelque chose est un échec. exemple: C’est quand on filme qu’on se rend compte que c’est un nanard. Synonym: Capoter…

Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Today’s word of the Day is: What It Means A cantankerous person is often angry and annoyed. Cantankerous also means “difficult or irritating to deal with.” Example: Several sportswriters cited the coach’s cantankerous personality as a reason for the team’s poor performance and lack of motivation. Other Words from cantankerous cantankerously adverb cantankerousness noun Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms acid,  bearish,  bilious,  bloody-minded disagreeable,  dyspeptic, …

Cómo apoyar a bebés y niños durante las salidas

La novedad de la aventura puede causar estrés en los bebés y niños. Puntos clave: Los cuidadores tratan de balancear los riesgos de contagio de COVID-19 con la necesidad humana de la interacción social. Los niños pequeños podrían requerir de cierto andamiaje para adquirir sus habilidades sociales y emocionales, conforme ellos se aventuran a nuevas…

Happy 4th of July !

Independence Day in the United States. A bit of history In the 17th and 18th centuries, the United States was not as we know it today, but the colonies of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, which were founded by British…