15 English idioms that everyone should know

In this blog you will find 15 English idioms that everyone should know. But first, what is an idiom? Idioms are group of words, or in other words, a phrase that has a meaning different from the literal meaning of the words in it. In other words “Idioms mean something different than the individual words.” Native…

How do languages handle non-binary people?

What are your pronouns? In English, the most common answers are “he” or “she”. But a growing number of people identify as neither male nor female, and ask to be referred to with novel pronouns. “They” is by far the most common of these. In English, the linguistic adjustments required to accommodate non-binary people are…

Impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education

Artificial Intelligence in education offers numerous possibilities to add more value to students, facilitates the teaching-learning process and improve the positioning of educational institutions. What years ago, might have seemed like science fiction, today is a reality completely applicable to projects and institutions of all kinds thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI uses fields such…

Word of the Day

Vox populi Etymology Latin, voice of the people What It Means Vox populi is a Latin phrase that translates to “the voice of the people” and means, in essence, “popular sentiment or opinion.” A successful campaign manager and ardent defender of workers’ rights, Adela dedicates her time to speaking on behalf of vox populi. VOX POPULI in Context…

The Passive Infinitive

Hello everyone! For today’s mini lesson, let’s talk about the passive infinitive. The passive infinitive is ‘be + past participle’. We can use it in the same places as the normal infinitive to show a passive meaning. USE We can use the passive infinitive after verbs that usually take ‘to + infinitive‘. We can use the…

Atelier: la tâche e(s)t le défi : du A1 au B1

L’approche actionnelle a mis à l’honneur la tâche finale dans l’apprentissage des langues. L’atelier propose d’explorer les types de tâches proposées dans Défi A1 et A2, et de s’approprier des techniques d’enseignement pour mettre en œuvre les savoirs linguistiques nécessaires à la réalisation de ces tâches. Le 31 mai dernier, le Département des Langues Étrangères a eu l’opportunité de participer à…

Using ‘by’ or ‘with’ to say how something is done

Hello everyone! For today’s mini lesson, let’s talk about how to use ‘by’ and ‘with’ to say how something is done. We can use both ‘by + verb+ing’ and ‘with + noun’ to explain how we do something. BY We usually use verb+ing with ‘by’. ‘By’ is used with an action. Examples: • He opened…

Why learn languages in AI Age?

Taiwanese students spend thousands of hours studying English. Yet after three to five class-hours of English as a foreign language every week for more than nine years, most students can barely utter a sentence of English. The government’s “Bilingual Nation 2030” policy would do little to change this. As artificial intelligence (AI) technologies would soon…


Swallows’ Singing!! Año tras año, el departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras, de la Universidad Internacional UNINTER, lleva acabo el concurso UNINTERidol en donde alumnos de la Universidad demuestran y comparten sus habilidades lingüísticas al interpretar una canción en un idioma extranjero. Siguiendo con esta gran tradición, el pasado 29 de noviembre se dió inicio a una…

Presenta EHLI Evidencias de Aprendizaje

Con el objetivo de mostrar las evidencias de aprendizaje de cada licenciatura, la Escuela de Humanidades Lenguas e Internacionalización EHLI; exhibió los mejores proyectos realizados por sus estudiantes, en los cuales tanto alumnos como maestros vieron reflejados los frutos de su trabajo.